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Learning Math Words and Phrases We’re not talking about vocabulary and definitions. We’re talking about common speech − about using math words and phrases in everyday situations. Research and classroom evidence shows that understanding and speaking math language in natural sentences makes it easier to learn math. Students who practice paying attention to words in context are less likely to fall into the common difficulties with word problems. And they are more likely to make sense of […]
New research connects language skills with ability to understand math concepts. Published Online: February 17, 2011 Published in Print: February 23, 2011, as Studies Point Up Language’s Role in Learning Basic Math Studies Find Language Is Key to Learning Math By Sarah D. Sparks New research shows a lack of language skills can hamstring a student’s ability to understand basic concepts in mathematics.A series of studies led by Susan Goldin-Meadow, a psychology professor at the University of Chicago, found that […]
Eyewitness Math asks students to correct or build upon the math within news stories. These feature lessons were created for and appeared in several editions of Holt secondary math. Scream Machine begins with an account of a coaster record and then careens into analysis and design.