Math Words and Phrases: Math Is Easier If You Speak the Language

Learning Math Words and Phrases

A few examples of math language in preK and primary
Fluency with common words and phrases is essential for early learners.

We’re not talking about vocabulary and definitions. We’re talking about common speech − about using math words and phrases in everyday situations. Research  and classroom evidence shows that understanding and speaking math language in natural sentences makes it easier to learn math. Students who practice paying attention to words in context are less likely to fall into the common difficulties with word problems. And they are more likely to make sense of the demands of new curriculum standards.

We’ve Heard It All Before

What can we do with students who are not yet fluent?
More than half of U.S. students entering 2-year colleges need at least one developmental course.

Two out of three U.S. eighth-graders are not proficient in math. Even in developed countries that outscore us on international exams,  the proficiency rate is below 50%. In the United States alone, well over 30 million K-12 students fall into this category. Internationally, that number is several hundred million. More than half of U.S. students entering 2-year colleges need to take at least one developmental course because they are not ready for college-level algebra.


We Know the Problem Begins Early

An early start means kids won't fall behind in Kindergarten.
Too many children enter school without the verbal fluency they need to learn math.

These staggering numbers stem in part from a lack of math language fluency, a failing that begins before children reach school age. As is the case with language in general, not all children are raised with adequate exposure to natural math vocabulary and usage. Too many enter school lacking the verbal understanding they need to learn math.


…And Continues Past High School

Symbols should make sense.
Once you understand a concept, a symbol is a way to make it easier to work with the idea.

Schools tend to exacerbate rather than remedy the problem. Students are expected to learn how to use symbols for terms like one-half of and one less than without the prerequisite understanding of those phrases. Those who don’t catch on right away are considered – by teachers, classmates, and themselves – to be not good in math. And they fall further behind.


We Can Break the Cycle

A lot can be learned by clicking on pictures.
Math language apps like Zip and Abby use the same methods we use to teach second languages.

To disrupt this negative cycle, we need to help all students attain an early verbal foundation in math. Preschool children should learn the friendly language of math so they can understand the ideas behind the symbols and procedures. We need to help older students catch up by learning the terms and phrases of an increasingly quantitative world: 40 percent more risk; two-thirds of the voters; at a cost of $40 billion; buy 1 get second at half-off.


By Teaching Math Language in a Natural Way

Speaking and hearing math language in context helps students with concepts.
Students will more likely understand concepts if they speak and hear math words and phrases in context.

Our brains are built to learn language. Like programs that teach second languages, Words2Math takes advantage of this natural ability of ours, teaching through experience, not rules. In this way, Words2Math helps children and adults become fluent in what could be considered the most important language in the world today.





Studies Find Language Is Key to Learning Math

New research connects language skills with ability to understand math concepts.

Published Online: February 17, 2011

Published in Print: February 23, 2011, as Studies Point Up Language’s Role in Learning Basic Math

 Studies Find Language Is Key to Learning Math

 By Sarah D. Sparks

New research shows a lack of language skills can hamstring a student’s ability to understand basic concepts in mathematics.A series of studies led by Susan Goldin-Meadow, a psychology professor at the University of Chicago, found that profoundly deaf adults in Nicaragua who had not learned a formal sign language could not accurately describe or understand numbers greater than three. While hearing adults and those who used formal sign language easily counted and distinguished groups of objects, those who used only self-created “homesigning” gestures could not consistently extend the proper number of fingers to count more than three objects at a time, nor could they match the number of objects in one set to those in another set.

The study, while not conducted on children, offers new insight into the link between language and mathematics development in children, because it focuses on adults who have grown up without language and numeracy, said Laura-Ann Petitto, a professor of cognitive neuroscience and the director of the Genes, Mind and fNIRS [Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy] Brain Imaging Laboratory for Language, Bilingualism, and Child Development at the University of Toronto, St. George. Such populations are difficult to find in modern society; the study includes only four subjects.

Prior studies focused on primitive hunter-gatherer tribes that had few words for numbers in their language, but unlike the homesigners also had few demands for numbers higher than three in their daily lives.

Even taking into account its tiny sample size, Ms. Petitto said the study links more directly to math and language learning in modern societies and “provides tantalizing corroboration for child developmental work, which oftentimes finds that young children with particular types of language disorders also have concomitant disorders in math and numeracy.”

Words to Numbers

Ms. Petitto and ElizabetSpaepen, a postdoctoral psychology fellow at the University of Chicago and co-author of the study, agreed that the results could suggest that students with early math problems could need language-based interventions, too.

“All of this fits in with the same idea … that the way we conceive of numbers evolves from language,” Ms. Spaepen said. “Children learn this stuff before they learn to read, before word problems become a problem.”

“If you can’t understand what [five] means, you can’t add, you can’t do basic math,” she said.

Children start counting everything in sight as soon as they begin to speak, but research shows they do not immediately attach abstract meaning to the numbers. They first learn numbers below three or four, which can be understood visually. For more than three items, people learn to perceive sets of items. The cardinal number principle—in other words, the understanding that the number “seven” represents a set of seven items—generally develops when a child is 2½ to 4½ years old.

Early childhood educators might see this development by asking a preschooler how many blocks are in a stack of seven on the table; a child who has not developed cardinal number understanding would be able to count the blocks one by one, but not able to answer if asked, “How many is that?”

The Nicaraguan homesigners could count objects on their fingers, but could not tell if seven was more or less than nine. If one block was removed from a set of blocks in a box, they could tell that the amount had changed, but not whether there were more or fewer blocks left in the box.

“It’s not slower for you to count to nine or five,” Ms. Goldin-Meadow said. “When we say the number ‘seven,’ we mean seven items; it’s one word for a set. When [homesigners] put their fingers up, it’s 1+1+1+1+1+1+1. It’s seven ones. So it actually is harder to remember nine than it is for seven.”

Hidden Problems

Yet researchers found the homesigners’ lack of math skills remained mostly hidden from their families and community. Nicaraguan money differs by color and shape, and the homesigners could make basic currency transactions, though they could not translate monetary value to numbers or exchange coins into bills consistently.

“They have this whole system, but they can’t generalize from it, and it’s very context dependent,” Ms. Goldin-Meadow said.

The findings provide more evidence for the link between early literacy and numeracy suggested by other recent research. One November 2010 study published in the journal Developmental Psychology by fellow University of Chicago psychologist Susan C. Levine found toddlers whose parents spoke with them frequently about numbers were more likely to understand the cardinal number principle by preschool age than students who had heard fewer number words. Another study, published in 2001 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, compared the brains of English- and Chinese-speaking students doing basic math problems. English speakers’ brains showed more activity in language centers, while Chinese-speaking students’ brains showed more activity in the visual and spatial areas of the brain. It was theorized that numbers in Chinese language might be easier to conceptualize because they follow the base-10 model more directly; for example, the Chinese word for 13 translates to 10-three, rather than the new word “thirteen.”

“One educational issue that this research brings up is that young children being educated in a language not their own may be at a disadvantage in the early years of mathematics instruction,” wrote Keith J. Devlin, the executive director of the Human-Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute at Stanford University, and author of a 2000 book on the evolution of mathematical thinking.

The findings also may suggest the need to use number lines instead of finger-counting in early grades, Ms. Goldin-Meadow said.

The University of Chicago team plans to continue work with the homesigners to determine what part of language development is most crucial for math understanding and if there are ways to help those with low language skills learn numeric concepts more easily.


Scream Machine: Coasters and Records Falling Fast

Eyewitness Math asks students to correct or build upon the math within news stories. These feature lessons were created for and appeared in several editions of Holt secondary math. Scream Machine begins with an account of a coaster record and then careens into analysis and design.


The Split Personality of a Minus Sign

Students often get confused with negative numbers because the same symbol is used to mean two related but different things. Negative quantities and subtraction are not the same.

–7 can mean the opposite of 7

–7 can also mean subtract 7

Students have learned that the subtraction symbol means remove or find the difference. But the negative sign, though it looks the same, means something else. It means the opposite of.

Here’s another way to think of the distinction between negatives and subtraction:

  • Subtracting involves two quantities: one subtracted from the other.
  • Taking a negative involves only one quantity; the negative sign means take the opposite of the given quantity.2

Numbers below zero, especially in unfamiliar contexts, can seem abstract to students. It’s not surprising when students give up on understanding and fall back on memorizing rules. But rules without reason are easily forgotten. Physical and visual models for negative integers as well as everyday contexts such as temperature can help students make sense of computing with negative numbers.

Real-Life Experience with Negative Numbers

Compared to their experience with positive numbers, students’ experience with negative numbers is minimal. Most of their classroom workand real-world encounters with negative numbers is limited to specific contexts such as temperature.To achieve proficiency with integers, students must understand their meaning. They need to understand what is meant by the opposite of a number, that is, they need to understand the concept of additive inverse. They need to be able to think of negative 5 as a quantity –

the quantity that is the opposite of 5, the quantity that yields zero when added to 5.


Using a Model with Negatives and Subtraction

Models can help students understand integers below zero, but no model seems to work perfectly in all instances.1Coins or two–colored counters are particularly useful forhelping students understand the distinction between negative quantities and subtraction.



1Fuson, Wearne, Hiebert, Murray, Human, Olivier, Carpenter, and Fennema, 1997;

Hiebert, Carpenter, Fennema, Fuson, Wearne, Murray, , Olivier, and Human, 1997

Cited in Adding it Up

2There are at least two other ways to mean ‘take the negative’

Multiply the quantity by -1.

Find the number that can be added to get to zero, (That is, find the additive inverse.)